Tuesday, March 2, 2010

February Meeting Minutes

February 15 2010

Meeting began at 6:46pm.

The Committee began the meeting by discussing the Committee's purpose and structure: what is the mission of the Planning Committee, who does it serve, and how does it function within this service. The Committee agreed that rather than taking an active role in development, luring or dissuading developers and rallying community opinion, the Committee would function best at this stage as a liaison amongst community members and between the community and area businesses/institutions. The Committee aims to serve as a source of information about development activities and an avenue for communication within the community, and as a facilitator of developing projects.

A part of the Committee's strategy is to make connections with the various institutions, businesses and associations that affect Corktown by attending their ongoing monthly, bi-monthly, etc. meetings. By being present, and announcing that the Planning Committee exists not to dictate, but to bring information back to the community, it is the Committee's hope that the various organizations will view the Committee as a neutral party and an asset to have on their side. The Committee aims to build strong relationships with these organizations by opening communication with them and existing as an avenue for ideas and information to be passed from the players who are affecting the community to the residents.

Representation from all of Corktown is important to the Committee, and the Committee agreed that at the next Corktown Residents' Council Meeting, the Committee would ask for individuals from specific areas in Corktown to become new Planning Committee members. The Committee decided to create a map of Corktown denoting areas where more representation was requested, and it was tentatively agreed that Corktown would be divided into six districts (strictly for Planning Committee purposes) and the Committee would seek out two individuals from each district to sit on the Committee.

The Committee believes that representation from all of Corktown will make for a stronger, more informed Committee. Each Committee member's so-called "district" will provide neighbors with a point person for information on planning activities within their area: a way to give and receive information.

The Committee agreed to use Google Docs to create lists of the organizations whose meetings the Committee will attend, calendars of when meetings are held, reports from the meetings, and other pieces of information that would need to be passed around amongst Committee members.

Next meeting was set for March 15, 2010 at 1951 Temple St.

Meeting ended at 7:50pm.

Pending approval.

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